Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Really pleased

I have been having a really good past couple of days. I started a group for Orange/Fawn netherland dwarf breeders on Facebook and much to my surprise within 48 hours there are actually 20 of us on there! I'm really excited about it, with so few who breed them out there it's wonderful to have a place to connect. Plus a few of the breeders are talking about going to the ARBA Convention this year so that'd be really cool to be able to meet with them all (and maybe pick up a few bunnies too lol)

Speaking of picking up bunnies, is it April yet?! One of my rabbit breeder friends gave me the heads up that she is having a herd reduction and 2 of the rabbits I was looking at before are listed in it along with a few other does that I think would really be a benefit to my orange program, I'll be picking them up from her sometime after Easter. Still broke from the dentist and doctor BUT I can not pass this up, so thankfully she takes paypal and I'm going to be naughty and use my card and just pay it off. Fortunately the hubby wasn't too hard to convince, his biggest issue was the driving distance and gas prices. Sometimes I envy those women whose husbands are rabbit breeders too lol.

In other news all my December matings were misses except for 2 does, one who gave birth to 2 peanuts, and the other had them out on the wire. I think I may pick out 3 or 4 does to bring in and give them a try... I'm really really wanting at least one litter out of Ninja and Oreo, Heath and Fe, and then either Minute Maid, Orange Crush or Heath with Kisses. The other does I'm ok waiting until it warms up a bit more if I must. Well that's it for this post, just thought I'd update again since this weather doesn't allow for much else lol.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I really really HATE dentist and doctor bills. But I think I hate dentist bills more than doctors because at least most doctors you can pay over time, the dentist pretty much demands payment at time of service. Grr, several hundred dollars gone bye bye, I had some new oranges I was hoping to bring in as well as a broken chocolate doe and now I can't do it. Not to mention there goes my husband and my Valentines Day trip, we were planning on getting a cabin over in the mountains for the weekend before.

OK, done ranting. Time to refocus my energy since I can't change anything about it anyways, so the agenda for the day is to bring the bunnies in and get new photos of them and update the website if I have enough time after I finish all the other stuff around the house today. At least I was finally able to get all my Christmas stuff down and packed away yesterday and get most of the house cleaned up. It feels completely new in here now. I also need to go out and check on my does, I bred 5 of them this past time but I think only 2 of them took (if they even did, I really am awful at palpating) They're due Friday so by Monday if nobody has had babies, everybody is getting rebred. And Pumpkin Spice is old enough to breed now as well, although I may wait another couple months to try her, since she's young and would be a first time mommy I'd rather try it when it's approaching warmer weather... then again I may just see if my honey would let me bring her inside for a month and give it a whirl lol

OK, so there's my rant/update for the day. Hopefully I can get alot accomplished today and feel better, I normally do feel better when I'm being productive. Til next time, have a good one y'all :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life, for me..

And I'm feelin' good! lol Well since my last post until just after Christmas I have felt like a chicken with it's head cut off. 2010 was so hectic for me but my New Year's resolution is to do my very best not to let 2011 get as crazy, even if that means me saying "No" more and worrying less about what I "have" to do, and taking the time to make a trip to a bunny show, playing at the park or in the backyard with my daughter and yes, sadly not worrying about exactly how much this grandparent/great-grandparent has gotten to see Ally. I'm just going to have to say "You have a car too and if you wanna see her, you can drive up here." This includes her birthfamily as well as our immediate family. I hate sounding like that but Tim and I are just wore out from this last year.

Anyways since the last post I have only had one litter, and only one of the babies survived. I gifted it to a little girl in Kentucky who wants to start breeding rabbits. She already had a buck so now she has a little black doe. Next week I have 5 does that are possibly due (side note, I really really wish I was able to palpatate) And then next month I get to breed a few of my younger ones from this past year including 2 of my babies from Fi and Crush. Crush has also been bred to my chocolate doe, Kisses because I want to try to incorporate a bit of the type into them, his short ears with her short thick ears and bone is what I'm hoping for. I'm going to try to start picking up some new stock BUT I am supposed to be saving money for the end of the year, so I'm only allowing myself oranges/fawns/broken oranges and maybe a chocolate/broken chocolate. The latter only if their type is excellent.

The reason I have to be so good and save money is because my family has decided to take a weekend before Christmas next year and rent a cabin in the mountains. More space because our family is getting SO big, and also because this way we won't have to be insanely rushed on Christmas Eve and day. My brothers, and sister and I all have spouses whom we go visit their family on Christmas Day (my sister also has to share the time with my niece and nephews with their dad who she is divorced from, which makes timing critical) So this way we can all be together, including all the kids and then we'll have only one side of the family to make a trip to and make food for. I am so glad because I love seeing them all but 2 days just isn't enough time to fit it all in and be able to enjoy their company without rushing off.

In other exciting news in a couple months we're starting the adoption process again, Ally is ready to be a big sister I think lol. I know it could take a year or even more to go through but I am still excited to be starting it all again, and another baby in the house sounds so good. But however long it takes I'm ok with it and think it will be easier to wait because we have Ally, she is such an amazing blessing.

Well I think that's all I have to update for now. Hope you all have a great New Year, I'm determined that God willing, I will :)