Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ally's surgery and bunny happenings

I know I completely missed Feb for posting an update and almost missed March to but HA! I got one in. February was stressful, mostly because we were worried about Ally's tummy. Where the gortex patch was began leaking and smelling bad and she would spike fevers off and on, took her to her surgeon and he said really the only way to get rid of it would be to get rid of the gortex which seemed to be the source of the infection, so we scheduled Ally's surgery for the 23rd of March and just had to wait it out until then giving her antibiotics to help combat everything.

Her surgery rolled around and we were worried it was going to have to be put off because a few days before she developed and cough and runny nose (that girl never gets sick, and then she does right before surgery), so we thought anesthesia might say we had to wait (and then we were also worried they wouldn't say we had to wait when we really should wait and something would go wrong... always so much to worry over) but the 23rd came and she went back for her surgery, 5 and a half hours later it was done and her tummy was so flat and tiny, she came a long way from when she was first born with her omphalocele. This was her 5th surgery and is the final one unless we choose to have a cosmetic belly button for her, which we may do just for her self esteem growing up but we haven't decided for sure yet.

She had a rough first night and day after the surgery.. with all her others she seemed uncomfortable but never like she was really hurting... this time she was hurting greatly. It was the hardest thing seeing my baby girl laying there like that and crying and me not being able to make it better. Thank goodness by day 2 she was feeling alot better, still sore but her pain was under control at that point. We got to come home on the 27th so not too long of a hospital stay, just exhausting. She's doing better but still gets tired really easily but slowly but surely is
getting back to her vibrant and animated little self. Now that she is done with surgeries (minus the outpatient belly button that is) we're really starting on the adoption process for our next child which I am excited about, I think Ally is going to make the best big sister ever :)

And as for bunny news I FINALLY got a nice healthy litter. Since the start of the year I've had so many peanuts it isn't even funny, I know the chance is there for them because all of my bucks are true dwarfs and all but one of my does are but all these does have had successful litters in the past and these last litters of theirs have seemed like nothing but peanuts. But Spice gave birth to 3 kits on March 18th, one was a peanut but the other two are healthy and doing well. Here's some pictures of them, both are broken black but very lightly marked; one is about 5% color and the other might squeek by at 10% if it was lucky and a judge was half blind lol.

It was wonderful to get 2 healthy kits, was a real boost for me after having such a rough time the past 2 months. I'm also super excited for the oranges I'm set to be picking up after Easter from Peachtree Rabbitree (can we say awesome breeder?) I'm driving my husband crazy with how excited I am for them lol Can't help it though, I've been itching to get my hands on some nice oranges for awhile now so these 5 will be such a huge help to getting me started. That's it for now I think, other than having a few litters due soon. Kisses is due on April 3rd and Barely, Fe, and Oreo are all due on April 19th provided they took. Will try to post again soon and do better at keeping up with it. And thank you to all those who prayed for Ally, it helped so much. Take care all